Why Mailers Haven Real Property Data
Our Real Property data comes straight from County Recorder offices, so you can be sure that the information is true and accurate data and not modeled.
We reach more households than any other mortgage compiler, so your counts are higher and your customers are happier.
Our Real Property data has demographics merged from our Consumer file, giving you Country Recorder information with consumer age, income, marital status and more.
Data Comparison
When to use Real Property Data
If the data you need is specifically county recorder information that can't be found in our Consumer file, Real Property is the obvious choice. Also, the Real Property file allows you to define your list by property location as well as owner location.
When to use Consumer Data
Since our Real Property data is compiled by Acxiom, some of the most common Real Property selects can be found on our Consumer file, for a lower price. These include real estate investors, property purchase amounts, lender types and more.
For more information give us a call at (800) 557-5487
Sample Premium Selects
- Age
- Gender
- Marital Status
- Household Income
- Presence & Age of Children
- Date of Birth
- Number of Properties OwnedNew
- Worth - Premier
- Owner Type
- Housing Type
- Home Purchase Date
- Home Purchase Month
- Home Purchase Amount
- Available Home Equity
- Home Market Value
- Delinquent Tax Indicator
Property Details
- Square Footage
- Number of Bedrooms
- Number of Units
- Year Built
- Length of Residence
- Fireplace or Garage
- Pool
- Heating & Cooling System
- Loan to Value Range
- 2nd, 3rd Mortgage Indicator
- Loan Date & Loan Amount
- Interest Rate & Lender Type
and many more...
For more information give us a call at (800) 557-5487
Case Studies
Home Remodel
Gift Card w/ Estimate
Mortgage Company
Refinance Offer
Carpet Cleaner
25% off Coupon
List Selects
Homeowner, Owner Occupied, Year Home Built
Optional: Pool Flag
Available Home Equity, Loan Date
Optional: Loan to Value Range, Loan Amount
Number of Rooms, Household Income
Optional: Square Footage
Real Property Data
Get CountsFor more information give us a call at
(800) 557-5487