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We Specialize in Printers and Mailers

While our competitors focus on any and every business that accepts credit cards, we only service companies like yours. That means we know which features you need, and how to classify your company for better rates.

Summarized Benefits:

  • (1)We understand your business, so will serve you better.
  • (2)We make sure you pay the lowest Visa and Mastercard fees.
  • (3)We're not just your merchant service provider, but your partner.

Mistakes of Other Vendors

  • Treat mailers and printers like retailers.
  • Rates based on # of transactions.
  • Misclassify your business, leading to additional fees.
  • Software doesn't support the latest b-to-b features.

Haven Merchant

  • Exclusively sells to mailers, printers & marketers.
  • Rates based on annual volume.
  • Classifying your business for printing and direct mail.
  • Virtual terminal that supports Level 3 for better rates.