Want a better way to target? Even successful direct marketing companies have been using Look-Alike reports to enhance their results. Using a model, we’re able to identify prospects who behave similarly to tried-and-true customers.

Options Available:
Look-Alike Report – Our standard report does everything needed to determine your best prospects.
Download Sample Report
Enhanced Look-Alike – More attributes analyzed. A Z-Score is added to better identify relevant results.
Download Sample Report
Have A Rep Contact Me
How can I read a Look-Alike report?
Have no worries, a Mailers Haven expert will go over your report with you to ensure understand every aspect of it. They can even discuss the results it with your client. Since we only sell to the trade, we are never your competition.
Can I get branding on the Look-Alike report?
These reports can either come white branded, or you can add your client’s or your logo for no extra charge.
What is the minimum quantity of customer records I need to do an analysis?
It depends on the area you want analyzed. A small geographic area (eg. around a candy shop) would work with analysis of 1,000 records to be relevant. A larger area would need 3,000. If you are analyzing a nationwide list, you will want a minimum of 10,000 customers. Make sure whatever customer database you send matches the geography you wish to be targeting.
My client knows who they want to target and it’s working. Why should they get a Look-Alike report?
We have seen many situations where a client understands their market, but a Look-Alike report uncovers something they never realized before—maybe a select they had not thought of, or that they can expand the selects they are using to get similar results. At worst case, a Look-Alike report gives them confirmation that they are hitting the right target market which allows them to focus on other ways to improve results, such as repetition or a better offer.