Two ways Mailers Haven can help you use email to effectively market.

1. Send an Email Marketing Campaign
Just like a direct mail campaign, email can be sent as a one to one correspondence to elicit response or provide branding.
Putting together an Email Marketing Campaign?

2. Append Emails to a Customer list
Besides purchasing your Consumer and Business lists from Mailers Haven with emails, you can also have a customer database appended with emails. Having prospect's email addresses allows you to:
- Add them to a customer's e-newsletter list. While programs like Constant Contact will not allow you to send mass prospecting lists, adding a portion to a customer list is often allowed.
- Use it for digital marketing. Facebook, Google Ad Words and IP matching all start with an email for matching purposes.
- Keep a more comprehensive prospect list. It's always good to have complete information on prospects. If they call in, or reps call them, having an email is a great addition for a follow-up.
Talk to your rep about sending an Email Campaign, or Appending Emails to a customer file.

We only send out to email addresses that are “opt-in” and we use “white listed” servers, following all CAN-SPAM policies. It's the safest way to send your marketing message by email.