Brittney Smith

Hometown: Huntington Beach, CA

Operations & Brand Manager

Who is the best teacher you have had?

I was in a new school every year, so a schoolteacher doesn't stand out to me. However, my mom dated this man for about a year named Gary McKenzie and he taught my sister and I a lot about business and life. He was a great teacher, and very inspirational. Even after my mom and him split up, my sister and I would secretly meet him for Sushi and get inspired. We'd talk about business ideas, the current real estate market, the economy, investing, you name it. We were 17 and 19 so we didn't know much about these topics, but he had this way of breaking things down simply so we could understand them, but at the same time spoke to us like we were adults and made us feel important and listened to. It made us feel like we were capable of anything.

Which event in the past, present or future would you have liked/ like to witness in person?

I would have liked to have seen one of my favorite bands, Joy Division, live in concert in the late 70's.

What's your favorite quotation? Please credit the author.

"They buried us, but they didn't know we were seeds." - Dinos Christianopoulos

What do you miss about childhood?

No cell phones or social media! I miss having to use a landline to get in touch with someone. I miss not having to always be reachable, and quality time being more attainable.

When you were young, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Something new every week but being a Fashion Designer held my interest the longest.

What is on the top of your "bucket list"?

Currently, travelling to Japan.

Five Favorites:

Favorite Movie and movie snack? Dirty Dancing / Popcorn

Favorite Dish/Meal/Cuisine? Sushi / Japanese

Favorite Car? 1955 Chevy BelAir

Favorite Song? The Figurehead by The Cure

Favorite book? Letters to My Son by Kent Nerburn

What do you like best about your job?

Problem solving

What is something interesting / unusual that you want us to know about you?

I hate flying but really enjoy airports. I love killing time in airport bars drinking wine and talking to strangers.

Have you ever been awarded anything that you would like to tell us about?

I don't think I have ever been awarded anything.

Any Achievements/Accomplishments you want to share?

I overcame my fear of public speaking and was the keynote speaker at a few events in my twenties, I've drastically improved my ability to set boundaries with toxic family members, and I am really good at headstands. If I've used my phone to navigate somewhere once, I never need to use it to get there again. That is probably my greatest achievement so far.

Have you ever bought anything from a TV infomercial or QVC/HSN? If so, what?

Yes! Bare Essentials makeup. It was midnight in San Francisco, and I couldn't sleep. They took advantage of me in my extremely tired state, and before I knew it, I had spent $210 on powder for my face.

In which activity would you like a lesson from an expert?

Pottery throwing! I would love to make espresso and cappuccino cups because I can never find any I like.

What is your favorite place you've traveled to?

New York City with my husband. He is the key. I've been several times before, but the last time was with him, and it was the best trip we've ever taken. We had no plans, and we ate and drank our way through the city on recommendations from restaurants prior alone. We didn't take one Uber, we walked and took the Subway all 4 days. It was incredible!

What is your favorite game or sport to watch and play?

I love to watch American Football. My husband is a HUGE Philadelphia Eagles fan, so it's a big deal in our house. He's the first person who took the time to really explain football to me, and now that I understand the rules, I enjoy it a lot. As far as playing a sport goes, I can hold my own on a skateboard.

Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without?

Holding my 1-year-old daughter. She's the light of my life.

What's your favorite holiday?

New Years Eve! It's the one night a year I try to stay up until midnight. I love reminiscing about the past year, and setting new goals for the next one.