Samjot Singh

Hometown: Lathrop, CA

Software Engineer

Who is the best teacher you have had?

The best teacher I've had is Mrs. Patel. She had a unique way of making complex concepts in physics seem simple through real-life examples and experiments. One time, she demonstrated Newton's laws of motion using everyday objects, which made learning so much more engaging.

Which event in the past, present or future would you have liked/ like to witness in person?

I would have loved to witness India's independence movement led by Mahatma Gandhi. His philosophy of nonviolent resistance and his role in shaping India's destiny are incredibly inspiring.

What's your favorite quotation? Please credit the author.

"The best way to predict the future is to create it."" - Peter Drucker. This quote motivates me to take initiative and work towards my goals proactively.

What do you miss about childhood?

I miss the simplicity and innocence of childhood, where every day was filled with curiosity, playfulness, and a sense of wonder about the world.

When you were young, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be an astronaut! The idea of exploring space and discovering the unknown fascinated me.

What is on the top of your "bucket list"?

One of my top bucket list items is to participate in a classic car rally, driving through scenic routes and experiencing the thrill of vintage and exotic cars firsthand. The idea of being part of a community of car enthusiasts, exploring new destinations, and immersing myself in automotive history is incredibly exciting to me.

Five Favorites:

Favorite Movie and movie snack? "Inception" and popcorn with extra butter

Favorite Dish/Meal/Cuisine? Chicken Biryani, a flavorful and aromatic Indian dish.

Favorite Car? Tesla Model S, for its innovative technology and sustainability

Favorite Song? "295" by Sidhu Moose Wala, a Punjabi Indian artist. It's a powerful song that addresses social issues and resonates deeply with me.

Favorite book? "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho, a story of self-discovery and following one's dreams

What do you like best about your job?

I love the creativity and problem-solving involved in my job. Finding innovative solutions and seeing them come to life is incredibly fulfilling.

What is something interesting / unusual that you want us to know about you?

I have a knack for solving complex puzzles and riddles. Whether it's a crossword puzzle or an intricate brain teaser, I find joy in unraveling the challenge and discovering the hidden solution. It's like a mental workout that keeps my problem-solving skills sharp and entertained.

Have you ever been awarded anything that you would like to tell us about?

I received an award for academic excellence in high school, which recognized my dedication to learning and academic achievements.